Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why do video's wait a long time ?

When trying to examine a video on my computer--it plays a few seconds an consequently pauses a long time--then shows a few second again? Takes forever to watch anything! Please help--I am not moral on puters!

Why do video's wait a long time ?

if u are watching a video through the internet it takes a while for the big video to compressed and forced through the tiny bandwidth of dial-up; which do short clips of the movie then a long break.
You have dial up and slow internet make buffering take a LONG time.

If you enjoy DSL, then it shouldn't thieve that long.
Sounds like you are still on dial-up. To study videos correct, you need a broadband internet nouns (DSL or cable).
A lot of the streaming videos pump out as much as they can, but frequently the constraint is high and they can't hold up. In addition, the bandwidth can get hold of crowded meaning that they enjoy to wait for a randomness to get the video out to the receiver. Lastly, there are times when the user's computer is busy doing other things and can't knob the incoming data.

Think of the Internet as a big highway. Sometimes you are on the entrance ramp, but here is just nowhere to be in motion to get on.
It's the buffering peak get a better internet nouns, also a better chip helps. Also if you can't attain DSL get Hughesnet sattilite DSL it's similar to 3xs the speed of DSL and avalible anywere, I don't have it though srry. heres the connect

It's because you have a slow dial-up nouns. Move to cable and that wont happen.
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