Tuesday, September 21, 2010

why do acer keyboards own @ above the 2?

why do acer keyboards own @ above the 2?

It have always be there... unless you are using a grand piano in a different speech.
i think americans enjoy the " and the @ the other way around
It is the 'at' symbol. That is it's proper location. You can use it by pressing and holding the shift switch and then press the '2' push button.
Where's the @ at the other keyboards
Most, if not adjectives, keyboards for English have the @ above the 2. That may one and only apply to the USA and Australia.
its an american board
What country are you in?

The individual keyboards I've seen that hold the @ anywhere but on the 2 key own been Japanese.
Mines doesn`t.
Acer is a Taiwanese company; Chinese/Taiwanese keyboards also hold the '@' symbol over the 2. Maybe it's some sort of international convention that we in Britain/Europe don't follow...?
In Spain we own the @ above the 2 anyway.
mine is next to the enter push button and above shift.This is what's above my 2 on my keyboard ".
UK and Irish keyboards hold the @ above the '

American and Australian Keyboards are as you describe.

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